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It’s getting grim. Please consider making a small donation so we can keep working on this labor of love.
remaining to get ...'s bills paid
Long-form content is expensive to make. In our 19+ years we’ve published 785,283 words, released 389 podcast episodes, curated 42,494 links, and run zero ads.
Donations are our only income source. We deeply dislike ads, sponsors, and other manipulative attention theft. We aren’t willing to sell out, so if our donations don’t improve, it will be the death of this project.
- Annual
- Monthly
- One-Time
- More Options
Note: If you make a donation through one of these alternate channels, and you want to receive the same reward you would through our normal donation system, please send an email to to arrange fulfillment.
Donate via Venmo
/u/DamnInterestingDonate via Paypal
Support us via Patreon
You can set up a monthly contribution via our Patreon Page.
Paper check
If you prefer to send a paper check, please make it payable to Alan Bellows and mail it to:
Alan Bellows
PO Box 16551
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Buy a Print
We get a few hot nickels whenever someone buys a print from our collection.
Recent Donation Totals
- February 2025: 162 donors, monthly goal met. 😀
- January 2025: 162 donors, $802 short. 😕
- December 2024: 166 donors, $401 short. 😕
- November 2024: 163 donors, $664 short. 😕
- October 2024: 163 donors, $677 short. 😕
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change/cancel a recurring donation?
The most direct way is to visit the Stripe Customer Portal, which will verify your identity by emailing you an access code. There, you can update your billing info or cancel your recurring donation. Or, if you prefer, you can cancel by visiting this page. If all else fails, you can email Don’t worry, we won’t resent you for canceling—far from it! We know that life gets in the way, and priorities shift. We sincerely appreciate that you supported us while you were able.
Where does the money go?
We pay our authors, editors, narrators, sound-designers, and anyone else who commits time to help us make new stuff. Every month we also pay our operating costs, which include web hosting (Dreamhost), podcast hosting (SoundCloud), content delivery network, Slack, audio library subscriptions, music licenses, newspaper archive subscriptions, and other stars in our constellation of recurring expenses. Anything above that pays for things like author payments, research materials, FOIA fees, equipment, software, research-related travel, etc. Whatever remains is paid to authors/editors as residuals.
What happens if you miss your goal?
If we fall short one month, we survive. If it happens two or three months in a row, our ability to afford to stay online will be in peril. However we will never resort to ads, so if our readers/listeners decide we are not worth supporting directly, we will shut down non-essential systems, pay the bills until we cannot, and then we will move on to something else.
Is there another way to donate?
Have a look under the “More Options” tab above to see options for Paypal, Patreon, etc.
What is the “stretch” goal?
We have two donation goals each month: the “survival” goal that pays the bills and keeps us running, and the aspirational “stretch” goal that kicks in once the survival goal is met. It’s an effort to inch our monthly contributions up to a higher level, one that might give us the opportunity to grow and increase our output eventually. It also serves to smooth out the bumps on months when we don’t meet the survival goal. We consider it a successful month if we meet the survival goal, and anything beyond that is appreciated, but not strictly required.
How can I stop the site from occasionally asking for donations?
If you have already donated, you can silence all donation-related messages on the site by going to the search box and entering !donor (that’s an exclamation point, then the word ‘donor’ with no space). When you hit Enter, this special code will suppress all donation-related messages in that browser for a long period of time. Similarly, you can enter !hush if you have resolved to never donate no matter how much of our bandwidth and brain-fruit you consume.
Why would you share your secret ‘hush’ code with everybody?
We require donations in order to survive, but we gain nothing from pestering people who can not or will not donate. Life is short and we are realists.
How can I help if I’m broke?
We appreciate the thought! If you are listener of our podcast, one of the nicest things you can do for us is to rate and review our podcast on your service of choice (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc). That makes it more likely for new listeners to discover us. Also, since we aren’t fans of advertising, the best way for other potential donors to find us is for you to tell your friends, share links to our content, etc.
If you wish to lend us psychological support, simply drop us a line.
If you have any questions and/or suggestions, send some electrons to
Damn Interesting is not a 501(c)(3) charity and donations are not tax-deductible.
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