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Here lie the remains of the posts that have been removed from our general catalog. The reasons for their removals vary, but in most cases it is because the article in question could no longer live up to the Damn Interesting standards. In some cases the article relied too heavily on links that are now broken, in others they were too news-oriented so they grew irrelevant, and still others they were later deemed to be only moderately interesting. Dot com.
Most of these are from our early days when we were occasionally concerned with quantity over quality. Oh, the folly of youth. We may later revisit some of these topics to give them the treatment they deserve, but for now we leave these jars of pickled articles in this pantry for any who become hungry enough to sample the blandness.
Most of these leave something to be desired, so use only in case of emergency.
- Hard to Swallow
- Double Life
- Mutant Killer Seaweed of Doom
- How Not to be Seen
- An Astronomical Identity Crisis
- Never Say Never
- Unbalanced Drive Shaft
- Products of Pollution?
- No More Cavities?
- Two Eggs - Hold the Sperm
- Measuring Great Hearts
- New Sources for Stem Cells
- Immune System Gone Bad
- Hyperbolic Discounting
- Non-Surgical Surgical Strikes
- Motorcycle Airbags
- New Batteries at Long Last
- The Threshold to the Other Side
- The Call of the Bloop
- The Hutchison Effect
- A Taxing Ordeal
- Germany's Pleasure Dome
- North Korea's "Secret" Hotel
- Choose Your Own Cola Adventure
- Cholesterol's Achilles Heel
- The Gravity-Powered Aircraft
- The Final Total Eclipse
- Unskilled and Unaware of It
- The Good and Bad of Acute Stress Response
- The Six-Stroke Engine
- The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
- The World's Toughest Bus
- It Was Just an 11 Million Year Vacation
- Cosmonaut Golf
- The Grand Canyon Skyway
- Unused Missile Tubes for Rent
- Social Drinking
- Not As Extinct as We Thought-- Maybe?
- Make-Believe Martian Exploration
- Tiny Fish, Big Catch
- UFOs , KGB, and the Russian "Blue Book"
- Read a Banned Book
- India Panspermia?
- The Rocket Racing League
- Better Watch Out for Your Shadow There, Fella
- Your Own (Man-Made) Private Island
- The Great Sheep Escape
- Thar She Blows!
- The Seed Vaults
- The Green, Green Sheep of Home
- Buoyancy Bounces Back
- The Popsicle Doctor
- Colorado Cannibal Released From Prison
- Handheld Device Detects Movement Through Walls
- Variety is the Spice of Life... If Only It Was That Simple
- The Doomsday Clock
- Wearing Your Dead Relatives
- The Diffraction of Light and Shadows on the Moon
- Bad Nuts
- Modern Movements in Toilet Technology
- An Extra Second
- Modern Peru an Ancient UFO Port?
- Zen and the Art of Human Maintenance
- Applications of Natural Selection
- The T-Rex Motorcar/Motorcycle Cross-Breed
- Fly Me To The Moon
- High-Tech Infrared Tactical Flashlight
- Z-Axis Urban Agriculture: The Vertical Farm Project
- How To Dip Your Fingers in Molten Lead, and Other Useful Tips
- The Men That Might Not Have Been
- BMW Revives the Steam Engine Concept
- The History of Christmas
- Inventing the Tweel
- Well, I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle
- Audio Masochists Rejoice!
- The Personal Air and Land Vehicle
- Printing Skin
- Why Not a Wind-up Car?
- Strange Road to Atlantis
- The World's Longest Palindromes
- Lie Detectors Alongside Metal Detectors?
- Get W.I.S.E.
- The SMART Car
- The Tracks of the Mokèlé-mbèmbé
- Random Event Generators Predict the Future
- Short Fiction: Made of Meat
- Hydrogen from Microbes
- New Species Found, and Soon to be Wiped Out
- Drop Dead
- Do What You're Told
- World's First Face Transplant
- Book Review: PostSecret
- Reflections on Global Warming
- Let Me Put a Bug in your Ear
- CERN's Large Hadron Collider
- Useful Information Which You Shouldn't Ignore
- Energy Drinks: The Great Taste of Jet Fuel
- Blue Laws
- Gregori Rasputin's Last Will and Testament
- Automotive Security
- PostSecret
- Warning: Cigarette Packages Can Make You Ill
- Mice, Men, and Medicine
- Hydrogen Injection Proven in Real-World Usage
- Bionic Eyes
- Just Your Average Playboy Playmate
- Warm Up Your Bosom
- Exploding Remote-Control Camera Turtles
- The Dancing Dead
- That's Mister Fusion To You
- Da Vinci The Inventor Part II
- The Fifth Amendment Outdated?
- Tin Foil Hats Proven Ineffective
- Saving the World One Ton at a Time
- Selling Body Bits
- History's Worst Software Bugs
- Vatican Sides With Darwin
- Subterranean Cities
- The Glass Engine
- New Fuel Source Claims to Capsize Quantum Mechanics
- Never Lend Books
- The Great Taste of Human Flesh, Without the Guilt
- The History of Speaking Machines, 1770-Present
- I've Got the Same Combination on My Luggage!
- Musical Relations
- Superhero?
- Cold Power
- Running Out of Oil
- Dead Men Do Tell Tales
- Try Not to Think of it as YOUR Car
- Mighty Mantes
- Anyone Up For a 3 Course Dessert?
- Passport RFID Chips and Your Privacy
- Cannibalistic Pumpkins and the Fun of Fear
- Do You Want to Live Forever?
- Many-Tenticled Evil Geniuses
- Steve, Don't Eat It!
- Sex! In! Spaaaace!
- DIY Holography Part I-- Hand Drawn Holograms
- Is Your Printer Spying on You?
- Titan Rocket Retirement
- A Plasmoid for the Common Man
- Who is John Titor?
- The Do-It-Yourself Gauss Rifle Hobby Kit
- Get Out of Voice-Jail Free
- Is That Uncle Sam in Your Bedroom?
- RFID Chips: The New Privacy-Killer
- Seeing Sunspots
- The Life and Death and Life of Dark Matter
- Sonic Torpedo Defense
- Evolution and the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Cryosat Crash
- What You Can't Say
- Stem Cells Restore Mobility to Paraplegic Woman
- Gator vs. Python
- Help, I'm Trapped in a Universe Factory
- Milky Seas
- Finally, a Remote-Controlled Robot You Can Swallow
- An Electric Spring in Your Step
- Saturn's Moon Hyperion
- Robots in Combat
- Mobile Phone as Computer
- The Chess-Playing Clockwork Cabinet of 1770
- Project Facade
- Meat-o-Matic
- Mechanically Separated Chicken and Other Horrors
- Can We Trust the Red Cross?
- Into the Looking Glass
- The Little Crowbar That Could
- Operation Stormfury
- US Deploys Anti-Satellite Satellite
- America Warned Hiroshima and Nagasaki Citizens
- The Fog of War
- A New Face
- Back to the Moon
- Fossil-Fuel Stopgap May Virtually Eliminate Auto Emissions
- Cirrus Airframe Parachute System
- The Robocoaster
- One Step Closer to the Hydrogen Economy?
- Shepherd Moons in Action
- WW2: Hitler's A-bomb
- The Moon: The Next Best Thing to Being There
- Hurricane Katrina: The Story in Pictures
- The Many Benefits of the Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow
- Trinity and Beyond - The Atomic Bomb Movie
- False Sense of Security: Master-Keyed Locks
- WW2: Britain's Giant Concrete Ears
- Regenerating Rodents
- Emotional Pornography
- Dream Car: The Ariel Atom 2
- The Origin of Murphy's Law
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